Monday, August 2, 2010

Oooops! What'd I do again?

Well here I am again. Twice in one week. WOW.what's going on over here in the land they call Madagascar. Well not a whole lot. I spent the entire day on Sunday laying in bed, recuperating. I felt just great, until I got up and walked to the gas station like 2 blocks away. yeah.nausea hit....again. But I had the great and wonderful dentist appointment again today!!! yay!!! yeah.sarcasim there people. I've never been "scared" of the dentist or cared that I had to go, but here, it's not fun. I had a cleaning a couple weeks back and it consisted of poking the gums in front of and behind each tooth...three times. And then he says, you have good gums. It's like can you really see my gums behind all this blood. I don't get it. But so I had to go back today to get a mouth guard made, I grind my teeth at night giving me headaches and prolly reducing the size of my teeth drastically. So I go in, a little nauseous to have them put a mold of a guard too big for my mouth, full of the mold making supplies in my mouth, which then causes the mold supplies to leak out all over the inside of my mouth, down my throat making me gag. I had to coach myself through the 3 minutes of, excuse my french, HELL. I made it through with only a few gaggings. Sorry but yeah, I wouldn't suggest going to the dentist in a third world country.

I'd like to speak of more highlights of the bike trip that stumbled upon my memory yesterday and today. While we were in Girl Erin's site, we awoke before dawn, and biked 2km with no light but our headlamps and the moon to a place no one knew where we were going to, and after asking many Malagasy people where to find "Camp Andrew" and after trekking through what we discovered was a dug up field (all this on bikes) and yelling CAMP ANDREW, we finally stumbled upon our guides. We signed up to take a canoe ride out on the lake early in the morning in hopes to catch some lemurs. Well we were late, becuz we were lost, but once we got in the canoes, and they made us turn around (I was terrified of tipping the whole time, ask Stephanie, she was behind me as I was freaking out) we saw what we called a MOONBOW. It was a rainbow but was formed but the light of the moon and the mist from the lake/sky. It wasn't colorful, just one solid color. It was beautiful and I think that helped brighten all our moods once again. So we were off. As I stated earlier, I was terrified of tipping the whole time. It was scary. It was a beautiful, but cold morning. We were heading back to shore, after being out for over an hour and seeing nothing. Lemurs are nocturnal for the most part and we were too late. But as we were heading back, Mike spotted one. We took the canoes into the trees and spotted two young lemurs. OOOHHHHH they were so cute and cuddlily, made me wanna just hug em and take em to site with me. But yeah you know. Better let em be where they live. So yeah, it turned out to be pretty on this was called "camp Bandro" not camp andrew.

The next day we went to Nicki's site. Me and Ryan stayed up chatting and laffing for most of the early night. We stayed in a school house maybe but none of the rooms' ceilings went to the top so each room was sort of connected. But so we stayed up chatting about this TV show we've come up with. I can't go into details for worries of copyright issues. I can tell you that it has to do with....Peanut Butter and Pickles.

Moving on. While in Tom's site, I wanted to get my hair braided. At my site I get my hair braided every week by my 12 year old best friend. It's just so much easier to manage and not as hot as if I had it down. So I asked Tom's neighbors if they could braid my hair. They said yes. They looked at my hair and gave this look. I said to them, I still need to wash it. They gave a sigh of relief and confirmed that yes I did need to wash it. So I took a shower and washed my hair. I, for the first time in years, combed my hair. Let me say that the first day of the bike trip I already had dreads forming in my hair. So it was not an easy task combing my hair out. I would estimate it took me a good 45min to an hour, not exaggerating here, to comb it all out. The lady told me she could do it after lunch. So I kept poking my head over at her house but she was still busy doing all of our laundry that we had given her. So I told her I'd get it done the next day. It was so funny because all the volunteers made comments on my hair and how different I looked when I combed my hair. I don't know if you'll find as much humor in this as I do, but I thought it was hilarious. I guess unintentionally i made myself look "pretty". So funny. I am not a pretty girl.

1 comment:

  1. the mcmanimon-moesAugust 7, 2010 at 8:02 AM

    You are wrong you are absolutely one of the prettiest people I know you just do not know it. I have had those molds put on my teeth and my response is to gag gag gag. Just thinking about it wants me to gag. Lemurs wow who can say that...hey I sent you a long letter and also a flat rate priority envelope with popcorn kernels, a croquet game and a map. Hope you get it all. We love you Melissa. The McManimon-Moes
