Sunday, January 9, 2011

onward and upward.

So our training at the good ol' Mantasoa was good. I did get my first illness where I couldn't keep any food down for a few days, but am feeling completely back to normal by now. Besides that, our training went well. It was great to see everyone and catch up after 9 months! After our training we were back in the capital for a few days. On Sunday, my old Country Director from Guinea and his wife had a potluck/bbq at their house for all RPCVs and PCVs. It was really great to see them and catch up. And their dog, PITA, has gotten so big and fluffy. He reminds me of my parent's dog, Samson. We left the capital today, me, Alison, Brian and Ralf. We are in our Regional Capital, Fianarantsoa and are taking the train to our banking town on Thursday. I'm excited for that. Enuf room to get up and walk around rather than being stuffed in a seat way too small for any person taller than 5'5" to sit in.Not much more to report. I'll try to get some pictures up while I'm here. After we leave here I won't have good internet until mid-April.

Which brings me to another point. I booked my ticket to Thailand! Me and 2 other Volunteers are going over Easter for 2 weeks! We leave April 15th and fly back on April 30th. It's a 8.5hr flight so not too shabby. One of the girl's parents sent her the Lonely Planet Thailand book and we were reading thru it at our training and I absolutely cannot wait! I wish it were next week. But I'm not ready yet. I'll be back in my village and hopefully the beans and corn that we planted before I left are sprouting nicely. However, there has been talk about how late the rains are. They were supposed to start in November and have barely been falling. So this could cause a huge problem in the project but I guess I'll find out soon.

But yeah not much else new in this girl's life. I won't be able to skype until mid-April again but add me if you haven't. I think my full name is my first and last name. Otherwise my username is my first and last name backwards without a space. I luv you all and thank you so much for all your letters and packages. They all mean the world to me. I am very grateful for all the luv and support I get from all my friends and family. It helps me get thru the tough times. Sending much luv your way! LUV YOU ALL!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Loved seeing the pictures Melissa. You are a beautiful woman. We have lots of snow here so seeing the pictures gives me a little bit of warmth. You might be missing snow but know that it gets old real fast. All is well here in Minnesota. Second semester is starting for Chelsea. Hard to believe. Had a great visit with Samantha and Mike over the holiday. Need to send out some more stuff soon. Patty
